== William's site ==

2025 02 26 Emac or Not Emac

In the last two posts, I wrote extensively about emacs. However, today I have come across this post. I have learnt the term .emacs Bankruptcy.

In his case, over the days, the configuration of his emacs is getting bigger and bigger that needs a reboot, or fall under its own weight. He also doubts that whether he needs the power of org-mode.

He repeatedly emphasizes that he likes emacs. At some point during last week, I even seriously thought about getting a 10-inch chuwi just for emacs. My goals was to have a dedicated emacs “appliance” so that I can carry it anywhere. But nothing beats the wake-up speed, or snappiness, of a macbook. So I gave it up quickly.



I am writing in emacs org mode again which I quite enjoy doing.

In the last couple of days since CNY, my focus is emacs. I RTFM about it, try to use it and even compile from the git repo.

I recalled my memories about the emacs built-in tutorial to gain basic keyboard nevigation and editing. Then read about the manual. It is a quite an undertaking. I just glanced through it and get most of my basic editing tasks done. I am sure that I will come back to it on and off.



I am writing something again. The last two years have been rough for me. Ups and downs, changes in the family etc. Now I have got enough time to write about something.

I would like to write about emacs. I am writing this post in vanilla emacs configuration. Even spell-check is not working properly. I am doing this in a terminal, on a mac. There are a lots of alternatives such as byword. Why I am torturing myself with a 40-year old text based software?


2024 10 28 My Adoc Test

First level heading

This is a paragraph with a bold word and an italicized word.

Second level heading

Unordered list title
  • list item 1

    • nested list item

      • nested nested list item 1

      • nested nested list item 2

  • list item 2

This is a paragraph.

Example 1. Example block title

Content in an example block is subject to normal substitutions.

Sidebar title

Sidebars contain aside text and are subject to normal substitutions.

Third level heading

Listing block title

Write Something

Finally I could write something again. I am writing this in markdown, my editor is vscode and my keyboard is nuphy 75 old edition.

I have been using the nuphy 75 old edition for a while. Then I have facinated by 60 keyboard. I have tired the nuphy 60 old edition. My only complain is that both the ` and the ~ characters are supported by the escape key. It is a bit annoying when typing ~ for home directories. So I go for the 75 keyboard.


One More Thing

I have been bitching about hugo and antora in my last post. Actually there is one more thing.


It is not as powerful as hugo. It cannot even be considered as a full fledged package. It is just a wrapper around the mdbook crate. The biggest pro is tight integration with Rust. All documentation including about Rust, for example, the book, is generated by mdbook. Another good example is neovide website.

neovide (github) is an interesting project that enlightens me in may ways.


So Far So Good

In the last a couple of days, I have been researching about writing in markdown and asciidoc. The general approach is to get the respective toolchain working, then find a hosting site.

My ultimate goal is to have a blog that supports

  • markdown
  • asciidoc
  • mermaid
  • hosting in, say, netlify, github pages, gitlab pages, with automated CI/CD
  • resize the image properly

Hugo does have asciidoc support but why another blog?Under the hood, hugo uses asciidoctor as and extension or add-on functionalities to render the asciidoc. That is to say, it does not support asciidoc natively, viz., the functionality is not built-in has part of the single hugo binary.


Mermaid at Last

At last I have got mermaid working! The bad news is that the the official guide doesn’t work. I am following the recipe from this post. It is not that difficult, but it needs to be set up each and everytime. May be I can custom a theme myself. This is the mermaid flowchart documentation.

graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D;
Sequence Diagram
sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
E-R Diagram
erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses
Class Diagram
classDiagram Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool Class03 *-- Class04 Class05 o-- Class06 Class07 .. Class08 Class09 --> C2 : Where am i? Class09 --* C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : size() Class01 : int chimp Class01 : int gorilla Class08 <--> C2: Cool label

Why I Use Hugo

This blog is generated by Hugo hosted in github as a github page. This post answers the questions:

  • why i do it this way?
  • how?

I have been blogging since 2000’s. My primary platform was google’s blogger. It was a good platform. Yet it is geared towards blogging with a desktop computer. the 2000’s saw the rise of smart phones or iPhones. I am an iPhone user since 3GS. I did have a period of time that carrying two smart phones with me. One iOS and one Android most of the time.


My Gears

These are my gears.


On the top is my M2 Macbook Air with which I am writing this blog. Below it is my M1 14-inch macbook Pro.

餃子 - the M2 Macbook - is my personal laptop. My previous Macbook Air was a Core2Duo 2010 model. It was still in good shape, solid build, the keyboard, screen display and wifi are all working good in excellent condition. The overall performance is the only reason to retire it.

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