Its an Internet World
I am using Byword to write this post now. I create the post with hugo new <post_name>.md
then edit it with Byword.
I am fond of markdown and static site generator such as hugo. I have been resarching my workflow in the last couple of days and my goal is:
- share picture from my iphone
- jot down the points in the draft in my iphone
- sync the draft and continue working on the post
I have tried quite a few solutions and the bottleneck is at sharing the pictures. Most of the workflows are dealing with the path names of the picture in the local store. Once I decided to upload the picture to my imgur account and embed the generated links in my post, all problems suddenly goes away.
So it is indeed an Internet world. When everything are pointing to an URL in the public internet, it solves most, if not all, your problems.