== William's site ==

Linux Virtualization


The switchdev driver model

Ethernet chips

A summary of High Speed Ethernet ASICS

Some routing links

Getting Started with BIRD Routing Software
Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Implementation
Intro to BGP with BIRD
cilium - Using BIRD to run BGP
FRRouting, OpenBSDd and BIRD
BGP Open Source Tools
Comparing Open Source BGP Stacks
Followup Measuring BGP Stacks Performance
Oreilly BGP in the Data Centre

Its an Internet World

I am using Byword to write this post now. I create the post with hugo new <post_name>.md then edit it with Byword.

I am fond of markdown and static site generator such as hugo. I have been resarching my workflow in the last couple of days and my goal is:

  • share picture from my iphone
  • jot down the points in the draft in my iphone
  • sync the draft and continue working on the post

I have tried quite a few solutions and the bottleneck is at sharing the pictures. Most of the workflows are dealing with the path names of the picture in the local store. Once I decided to upload the picture to my imgur account and embed the generated links in my post, all problems suddenly goes away.


With Typora

This is my first hugo post written with Typoa. My environment is setup up according to this post.

The layouts/_default/_markup/render-image.html mentioned in the post is like below:

{{ if in .Destination "/static/" }}
<!-- 12 is count of ../../static carachers -->
{{ $new_file_path := substr .Destination 12 }}
<!-- just for testing, you can delete this pre tag -->
<pre>{{ $new_file_path }}</pre>
<!-- render the image with new path -->
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{ $new_file_path }}" alt='{{ .Text }}' />
{{ else }}
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{ .Destination }}" alt='{{ .Text }}' />
{{ end }}

Some php Frameworks

These are some php frameworks and tools that are used by my colleagues.

Migration Completed

OK, I have migrated this blog from Jekyll to hugo. It was a very smooth and simple process.

The main reason for migrating away from Jekyll is I am fed up with it. It needs to establish an entire Ruby environment in order to use it. Like you want to drive a car but you need to build a factory to manufacture the car you want to drive.

Another thing is, I can never figure out how to run the site locally. It just splits out errors. Hugo and even mdbook works flawlessly.


some logos

Here are some logos about Linux and Rust.



Rust cogwheel

Test Title

Some contents. 還有一些中文。


some os links

6.S081 xv6

Emulate RISC-V on a Raspberry Pi

Creating an OS from scratch

Writing a simple operation from scratch (2010)

Writing a Simple Operating System - from Scratch

2015-16 lecture notes

cs4118 System/Kernel Dev Guides

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

Computer Systems from the Ground Up

CS140e - Pi OS with Rust

some Rust links

Here are some Rust links that I found useful:

The user forum

The Book

This week in Rust

The Embedded Working Group Newletter

Rust OSDev

Rust GameDev WG

egghead.io rust

Chris Biscardi’s walkthrough of Rustlings




Coding game

Exercises for Programmers

Creative Projects for Rust Programmers


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