a quick update
OK, this is a quick update. I have somehow got a new M1 mac, which is quite good, and I am writing it with it now.
But it seems that my new neovim setup needs further polishing. I will work on it.
Until next time.
OK, this is a quick update. I have somehow got a new M1 mac, which is quite good, and I am writing it with it now.
But it seems that my new neovim setup needs further polishing. I will work on it.
Until next time.
The good news is I have finished Richard Hass’s The World. The bad news is that I have started his previous book A World in Disarray. This one is more or less focused on foreign affairs.
After I have completed the World, I was at an unease. I have finished the book, but the carving for reading, for more, remains. I briefly read Peril. But quickly realized that it is more or less a vent of the Trump administration. At the end of “where to go for more” section of the book, I found “immodestly” A World in Disarray. So why not give it a go?
Read more...Recently I have tried to read more than one book. I divided them into two categories: technical and non-technical. Technical are those related to computer while non-technical are the rest. It could be fiction as well as non-fiction.
The technical books are related to hard skills such as Rust, TerminusDB etc. The contents are imperative and straight forward. There are many books on Rust, for example. The version of Rust might be a little bit different, but the language itself won’t change. The approach of the authors might or might not be appealing, but the presentation is another story.
Read more...From here, I have learnt about Decentraland and earth2. Those are new metaverses based on blockchain - particular Ethereum. I will learn about Ethereum, but now I need to sort out Rust and Python. These languages are of a little priority now.
Rust is purely a personal hobby. It is the most liked language in stack overflow, so must be something that can have a closer look. I have grasped around 20% of it so far. The key concepts such as ownership and traits, though I have got a vague picture of it, but not a very solid understanding. I am working on rustlings now. After that, I will follow the materials listed in my previous post.
Read more...He is a guy quite into virtualisation of old systems. Recently he played with qemu on M1 Apple. Below are some of his internet presences.
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